Hence sought Fertility and Genetics Center to provide advice and assistance necessary information about the appropriate diet for each period on the end ..

Food preparation process tube baby man
To raise the proportion of sperm fertility and its ability to fertilize an egg was observed that the concentration of some nutrients and some medications can have an active role in the successful completion of this process.
• I’ve found in practice that the use of antioxidants (Anti Oxidant) , whether through medication or food helps in increasing concentration in the body, which in turn raises the percentage of concentration in semen , which is reflected in the increase improve the ability of fertile sperm , and reduce the rate of cracking Ahmadh the nuclear (DNA) which is known as the phenomenon ( Sperm DNA Fragmentation ) , it helps to increase its ability to enrich the egg and which is therefore reflected on cellular divisions of the embryo and reduce the proportion of early projections.
• to rich your food with antioxidant.
• quit smoking immediately and its derivatives.
• careful exercise and ideal weight for a man as obesity or obesity is a direct effect on the fertility of men.

Preparing food for the child process pipe for Women
reproductive process through assistance programs plans
We advise all women who on pregnancy configure the body of the food because of its impact on the assistance programs to improve the results of a pregnancy.
• attention to nutrition , health and balanced so that women deal with a balanced diet that contains all the necessary elements of different minerals and vitamins .
• immediately quit smoking and its derivatives , because it involves serious damage to your health and on Jenin future ! ! ! ! .
• taking Folic Acid pills , where studies have shown that it increases the speed of blood flow to the uterus .
• Taking pills Baby Aspirin where studies have shown that it increases the speed of blood flow to the uterus and therefore works on soak Anzeraa the egg is attached to the inside wall of the uterus .
• Focus on eating sufficient amounts of proteins , especially those originating from eggs , meat, fish, and moderation in eating milk and dairy products .
• stay away from eating chocolate , citrus fruits and ready – made ​​food and stimulant such as coffee, tea and soft drinks such as cola ..
• Make sure to eat adequate amounts of water at least 2 liters a day.
• Heavy sports exercise such as walking a day for half an hour.
• Last but not least you should try to get away from stress , where recent studies have shown that women ‘s vulnerability to such pressures that lead to the minimization forgot their fertility and thus could affect the outcome of fertility programs .

Healthy nutrition after the embryos and returns pending the outcome of pregnancy
• Focus on taking liquids in general, and especially water and soup rich in protein such as meat or chicken soup .
• Focus on a balanced diet rich in protein , fruits and vegetables and stay away from starches and carbohydrates , sugars and salts concentrated .
• Reduce stimulant drinks , which contain a high percentage of caffeine.
• eating large amounts of foods that contain dietary fiber which is very necessary , where prevent constipation spam in this period , and to drink water also play an important role in this regard.

• careful to take enough of a break for at least eight hours a day .
• The hiking suitable for you a rate of half an hour a day , while heavy sport hope to stay away from them now.
• emphasize the importance of your business daily practice routine , which have a key role to play in moving the blood circulation and thus take advantage of the installed medicines and vitamins given to you in this period, as the Mini Motion protect you from blood clotting and weight gain.

Healthy nutrition after the withdrawal of the eggs
• Focus on taking liquids in general, and especially water and soup rich in protein such as meat or chicken soup .
• stay away from drinking fluids that help to increase flatulence and gases are such as: orange juice and milk.
• stay away from foods that increase flatulence, such as cauliflower, cabbage and beans.
• Stay away from eating fish because they contain a high percentage of iodine.
• eating large amounts of foods that contain dietary fiber which is very necessary, where prevent constipation spam in this period, and to drink water also play an important role in this regard.
• taking Folic Acid pills , where studies have shown that it increases the speed of blood flow to the uterus and therefore works on nesting egg in the uterine wall .
• stay away from heavy exercise and if you’re the type who likes to exercise, walking is suitable for you a rate of half an hour a day.
• emphasize the importance of your daily business practice and routines that have a key role in moving the blood circulation.

If you need any further information or consultation, please don’t hesitate to consult us, we have our Nutrition expert

what to eat during pregnancy
A pregnant woman needs to ensure that her diet provides enough nutrients and energy for her baby to develop and grow properly and also to make sure that her body is healthy enough to deal with the changes that are occurring.
For a healthy pregnancy, the mother’s diet needs to be balanced and nutritious – this involves the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and consuming a wide variety of vegetables and fruits.

A pregnant woman’s calorie intake grows during pregnancy. However, this does not mean she should eat for two

Weight gain recommendations may also vary, depending on the woman’s age, fetal development, and her current health.
Excessive or insufficient weight gain can undermine the health of both the fetus and the mother.
Balanced, and nutritious diet, and it must include:

*Fruit and vegetables
*Starchy carbohydrate-rich foods

it is very important that expecting mothers should change their personal habits like smoking, alcohol, caffeine, using certain medications and street drugs as soon as they know they are pregnant or even when they are planning to conceive